January 3 th 2022

Following the new sanitary measures annonced by the Gouvernement du Québec and in effect since december 31 th, the practice of collective sport inside arena and gymnasium are no longer alloud until january 17 th for the moment. For that reason all activities of Huntingdon minor hockey are suspended until january 17 th. We will informe all players by email as soon as we have some new development for a possible date for return to hockey.

During that period it will be possible for those who may be interested to rent the ice at the Huntingdon arena in half zone for 50,00$ per hour. You must respect the same adress family group for the people on the ice in the same zone. Periods available are 7 days a week from 9h00 to 20h00 . For information and reservation you can send an email at arena@derytele.com or a messenger to arena huntingdon and specify the dates, time of the day and phone number to be contact. We hope like you are , that the sanitary situation will come back to a level who can allowing a return to regular hockey practice.

By that time we encourage everyone to do is individual part by respecting the sanitary recommandations and in this way contribute to have a return to our sport.

Erick Faubert Huntingdon Minor Hockey.